Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Calling Middle School Student Bloggers!

I've been trying to get my 6th grade English Language Arts class at Ripon Christian interested in blogging. I started blogging with students a year ago for multiple reasons:
  1. It's more motivating to write for and to classmates (and others) than the teacher.
  2. It's an important skill to know in our modern world.
  3. Learning to comment appropriately leads to positive interactions with many people you may not know well or at all.
  4. It allows kids to feel pride in their hard work when they see their writing published online.
  5. It's something new and different for them.
  6. Kids have interesting and meaningful stories to share.
  7. Students sometimes feel more free to share in writing than in person.
  8. It's fun!
Last year we had an student from our buddy class in Australia come visit our small town and school. It was very rewarding for the students. Read my blog post about it here.

With that said, I'm having trouble finding middle school students from other schools to blog with, and a good chunk of that is my fault...my search parameters are very narrow. Let me explain.

I'm reaching out to Christian schools. 
I understand that we need to connect our faith to the larger world, but I decided to play it safe and only reach out to other Christian schools so that the parents of my students feel safe about their children's first interactions online.

I'm considering schools from other countries first. 
I want my students to learn about other cultures within a Christian setting. I want them to learn that they have brothers and sisters in Christ on a global scale. The common bond we have in Jesus is enough reason to begin a relationship. At this point, though, I wouldn't mind connecting with a class from the U.S.--I just want to get my kids blogging with somebody!

I need an English speaking school. 
While I search other countries for connections, my students do not have the skills to communicate with non-English speakers.

Reliable technology is key. 
The school we connect with must have the proper technology to communicate via blog on a regular basis. We have an iPad cart in our small middle school, and I can reserve regular access for us; I just need somebody who wants do and has access like we do!

Use Kidblog as a blogging platform. 
I like Kidblog because I can set the privacy settings and change them over time. I can also set it so that the teacher must "approve" the blog post or comment only after I have read it for appropriateness and/or correctness. I have begun my year with connecting my own 6th graders to each other. They are eager now, however, to connect with some buds across the globe.

Multiple schools would be ideal. 
I want options. We've connected with one class, and it worked well last year, but technical difficulties arise, and conflicting schedules get in the way. (Especially schedules from different hemispheres--while my class goes to Christmas vacation, an Australian class has finished their school year.) My students have not been able to connect with anybody yet this year, and I'm stuck!

If anybody who's reading this feels like they can connect with us, please do! Or tell your friends. And remember my criteria that helps me keep my students safe and parents happy: 
  • Christian middle school class (we're 6th graders)
  • From somewhere outside (or inside) the U.S.
  • Reliable technology for easy access
  • Currently using Kidblog, or a willingness to set Kidblog up
I created a website last year for a certification project. It's not completely up to date, but it would help anybody who is starting blogging for the first time. Check it out at blog2buds if interested.

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